Practicing the way of Jesus together


Groups are the center for connection, discipleship, and mission at Church of the City.

Through this ministry, we hope you’ll encounter the tangible presence of God, be transformed into Christ’s image, and live in the way of Jesus for the renewal of the city — all in community.

You can explore all of our groups below, and hope you will consider joining a Community Group this season.

Groups →
Connection Spaces →

Parenting Groups

If you are a parent looking for specific groups centered on parenting and family life here in New York, we invite you to join one of our Parenting Discipleship Groups this season.

Parenting Groups →

CORE Groups

CORE Groups are self-organized single gendered groups of 2-5 people who gather to practice some of Jesus’ most forgotten commands. To learn more about how these are structured and how to form your own CORE Group in the CORE Group guide.

Guide →


  • Groups will meet in person in homes or other great locations around the City.

  • All of our groups will be having discussions around the current sermon series. This is an opportunity for you to put into practice what you are learning on Sundays and live it out within a community, even if you are far apart right now.

    When you join a group, the Leader will send you info on how to connect and where to meet.

  • We encourage you to pick one that you can dive into deep fellowship and community and grow together with other believers in the city.

  • Our Groups are designed for our local church community. Those who call NYC home or are planning on returning are welcome! If you live out of the area and want to stay connected, our Prayer Room is a great way to join us.

Want to lead a Community Group?

Our application for Community Group leadership is open for the upcoming season. Community Groups are where our community gathers to do life together. You will serve as a frontline shepherd, walking alongside people as you learn and practice the way of Jesus together. If you are interested in serving our church in this area, please consider applying below today.

What is the process to becoming a community group leader?

1. Submit an Application
2. Interview with Community Groups Leadership Team
3. Go through New Leader Orientation
4. Launch your Group
5. Come to Group Leader Training Nights