Sermon Guide
Missional Formation
Week 1 | Radical Minimum Standard
Teaching Text
Matthew 28:19-20
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Sermon Recap
This Sunday, Pastor Jon kicked off our new sermon series on Missional Formation with a teaching on setting a new radical minimum standard for discipleship. He challenged us with a powerful reminder: the true measure of a church isn’t found in its programs or teachings, but in the hearts of its disciples and their commitment to obeying Jesus’ great commission.
Pastor Jon introduced the idea of discipleship velocity—the speed at which individuals mature in their faith and actively disciple others. This journey requires a deep understanding of Scripture, a vibrant prayer life, a genuine relationship with God, and a willingness to obey and apply His Word. He pointed out the tragic reality that many churches today are experiencing a slow discipleship velocity. Only 1% of churches consistently emphasize evangelism, and far too often, we’ve drifted toward a consumer-driven, preference-based model of discipleship.
Discipleship must go beyond personal preferences and church programs. Jesus calls us to a radical standard of discipleship that involves complete transformation—of our mind, character, relationships, practices, service, influence, and power, with reliance on the Holy Spirit. The question we should be asking isn’t “What can I do with my life if Jesus helps me?” but rather, “What can Jesus do with my life?”.
Pastor Jon pointed to three powerful examples of radical discipleship in Scripture. First, Stephen—a man tasked with the seemingly mundane job of serving widows in a rapidly growing church—was filled with the Holy Spirit, performed signs and wonders, and boldly preached the story of redemptive history of the Old Testament. Even as he was being stoned to death, Stephen echoed the words of Jesus, and Jesus himself stood to honor him as he died for his faith. He modeled radical obedience, not based on gifting but based on faith. Phillip was another ordinary yet obedient disciple. Without extensive education, he listened to God’s calling to speak with the Ethiopian Eunuch, paving the way to bring the Gospel to Africa. He also passed on his Spirit-empowered legacy to his four daughters, who became prophets in their own right. Finally, Mary of Bethany exemplified pure devotion to Jesus. With no qualifications except her love for Him, she leveraged every opportunity she had to be with Him, and her deep devotion has made her a key figure in the Gospel story for all generations.
Pastor Jon called us to elevate our expectations for discipleship, and approach it as a response to God’s love for us, instead of using willpower or performance. As we experience His love, we are transformed and empowered to love Him back. The Church in the West is in desperate need for a revitalization through intentional, Spirit-empowered discipleship, and we are being invited to a fresh commitment to Jesus and His radical minimum standard of following Him.
For additional information and resources about “Radical Minimum Standard” you can check out the guide here.
1. What is a standard you hold yourself to, and how did it come to be?
Ask someone in your group to read aloud Matthew 28:19-20, John 14:12-14, and 1 John 4:15-19. Then, ask the following questions:
1. What words, images, or phrases stuck out to you?
2. Who is the audience that these verses are speaking to? How does this translate to our modern context?
3. What do these verses tell us about God's heart for discipleship?
1. What comes to mind when you think about discipleship and being discipled? Share some of your experiences.
2. We have to adopt a new radical minimum standard of discipleship that leads to a transformation of our mind, character, relationships, practices, service, influence, and power, with reliance on the Holy Spirit.
Instead of asking how Jesus can help us live our lives, we must give our lives to Jesus in response to His love. Are there any areas in your life that you're holding onto instead of giving over to Jesus for His use?
3. Pastor Jon highlighted the stories of three people from the Bible: Stephen, Philip, and Mary, who were used to expand God’s Kingdom in radical ways, not through their own giftings, but through their discipleship to Jesus. Which story sticks out to you the most, and why?
Pray for a new radical minimum standard to saturate our hearts in this season, that we would allow all facets of our lives to be discipled and transformed by Christ.