
Our vision is to create environments of expectation where people have an encounter with the Living God and are empowered to worship extravagantly in all of life.


  • We value investing in a relationship with Christ above all else. Our desire is that the members of our worship community grow in understanding of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as they become increasingly transformed in righteousness.

  • We also value that the member our our worship community continue to find ways to grow in skill, whether that is taking voice lessons, or studying music theory, we want to increase in education.


Our community is so thrilled to share these songs with you—what started as a simple desire to raise up new songs of praise and worship in the middle of our city has turned into something beautiful that we are excited to share with the world.

We hope they lead you to a bigger vision of Jesus and a greater hunger for revival in our time. For everything related to this release, visit the links—share the word!


Join our team

Our Worship Ministry desires to see people transformed into passionate, engaged followers and worshipers of God our Father, Jesus, and the Spirit. Our Worship Team accepts applications on a rolling basis. If you'd like to be considered, please fill out the application, and we'll follow up with the next steps. We review applications year-round and are happy to connect with you at any time.

For the moment, we are overcapacity with vocalists, but feel free to apply and we will reach out in a few months as we enter a new season.