City Renewal

At City Renewal, we believe that the way of Jesus is a call to sacrificial mission in the heart of the city. As a church in New York City, we are not content to simply exist within the rhythm of our urban environment; we are called to engage it with purpose, compassion, and boldness. Our mission is to empower believers to follow Jesus into a life of radical love and service. We do this by equipping the church to meet the needs of our city—transforming lives and communities, one act of sacrificial mission at a time.

We exist to empower believers to follow the way of Jesus into a life of sacrificial mission.


  • This partner organization exists to promote the flourishing of New Yorkers overcoming homelessness and marginalization by providing compassionate services and transformative community. City Renewal teams help The Bowery Mission serve this community by helping to host Alpha. Alpha is a dinner and discussion series where guests are invited to explore deeper questions about life through a Christian lens. Guests are welcome to ask anything and challenge everything as they explore the truth claims of Christianity. Volunteer opportunities are on Wednesdays from 6:30pm to 9:00pm at the Tribeca Emergency Shelter.

  • This partner organization works to empower and equip those experiencing homelessness to be dependent on God, independent in their self-care, and interdependent on the community around them. City Renewal serves during their Community Meal, which is a hot meal that intentionally brings together the homed and homeless. It is preceded by a gospel-oriented church service where those experiencing homelessness and those who are housed worship together and the evening ends with a shared meal together.

    Volunteers will help prepare the meal while the worship service is happening, and then they will serve housed and homeless community members and even sit around the table with them and share the meal with them when able to. Opportunities are on Sundays from 5:35 to 7:15 pm.

  • This organization partners with teenagers and young adults who are incarcerated or awaiting adjudication for a court case. They exist to create a faith-based continuity of care model geared toward fostering holistic connection and secure relationships with young people during any point of contact with the juvenile justice system: Community, Courts, and Corrections. City Renewal teams serve as mentors at Horizon Juvenile Center in South Bronx.

    Volunteers will serve on a weekly rotation, visiting Horizon Juvenile Center for 1 hr, attending court dates, and supporting family members. Apply to be placed on our interest list. Opportunities will most likely present themselves on a weekday evening. We ask our mentors to commit to serving with young people for at least one year in order to build relational equity and trust.

  • This partner organization works in food deserts to end food insecurity by providing people in need with freshly-cooked meals, an emergency food pantry, and referrals to community services. City Renewal Teams help with the emergency food pantry, which provides the equivalent of three meals a day for three days for a family of four and serves approximately 1,500 families each month. Volunteer opportunities are on Saturdays from 10:00 am to 1:15 pm in West Harlem or Washington Heights.

  • This partner organization serves those experiencing homelessness with a mobile soup kitchen and connections to additional resources, like medical care and housing. People can receive a hot meal, hygiene kits and socks, and a place to be known. City Renewal teams serve in Harlem or the Bronx. Volunteer opportunities are Saturdays from 10:15 am to 1:15 pm.

  • This partner organization is New York’s largest provider serving youth experiencing homelessness. Covenant House’s mission is to help each young person find safety and refuge from the dangers of living on the streets through compassion, unconditional love, and absolute respect. Community Groups from Church of the City New York can volunteer to organize and host birthday parties for recipients of Covenant House’s services.



Many Hopes has a vision to rescue children from injustice and equip them to be adults who can help others, creating a cycle of survivor driven change. Many Hopes believes that children born into poverty are not a problem to be solved, but a solution waiting to be unleashed, and they partner with high-impact local leaders and organizations across the globe to rescue and equip children to become changemakers in their communities and beyond.


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As compelling missional disciples, we aspire to live on sacrificial mission for spiritual, social, cultural, and global renewal by reaching the lost and serving the poor. Our desire is that these stories of hope will stir, encourage, and center the vision of our church in your heart: to see the fame and deeds of God renewed and known in our time.