WE ARE a collection of university students joining a move of God in New York City.

We exist to empower the redemptive potential of college students, to fuel the rising hunger of a generation, and to sacrificially welcome in the renewal of all things. Our vision is to see the fame and deeds of God renewed and made known in our time, on our campuses, and among our generation.

We are not content to see our generation become another statistic of decline. We are built with an inner defiance of the status quo, giving our lives to reverse the narrative that Gen Z is a lost cause in the church. We are contending to see Jesus take His throne over New York City and to witness every college campus become an altar of worship He is worthy of. 

 Revelation 21:5

And he who is seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” 

Also he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”


  • We value the empowerment of university students in every aspect of our movement. Rather than create something “FOR'' young people, we create “WITH” young people. We believe in channeling the creative power and redemptive potential of university students directly into the life of the local church and work of restorative justice in our city.

  • We value deep, spiritual formation in the lives of every university student. We have seen the spiritual hunger of young people rise across the country, and in our own city, and we want to provide proper fuel for this new fire. We go after Scripture, Prayer, Fasting, Historic Orthodoxy, Life in Community, Pursuit of Mental Health, and Character Formation, all unto living like Jesus. We believe that resilient disciples can be formed in the face of the secularism of our universities. Potent Young Disciples rising from this environment will stun the Western world.

  • We value prayer, intercession, and dependence on the Holy Spirit. We believe that the same God who unleashed revival across the church in New York’s History is the same God we serve today. Scripture and Church History are too full of revivals that begin with young people for us to ignore this pattern. We are preparing our university students with a burning heart for prayer that seeks God for city wide awakening and the reversal of generational decline in the Church. We know this will cost us everything, and still we’ve decided He is worthy of our all.


  • At the top of the month, we rally all university students together for a night of Worship, Teaching, Prayer, and Community. The goal of this gathering is to hear the voice of the One Seated on the Throne and to build our movement with the heart “in the Throne Room”.

  • On the 2nd week of the month, we will gather in University specific small group gatherings in living rooms across the city. In these gatherings, our goal is to build Kingdom Families living on mission together on every college campus in the city.

  • The 3rd week of the month, we will gather in collaboration with for a night of unscripted prayer and worship. Our goal is to build an altar of worship at the center of every month, contending for His glory to pour into every dorm room, lecture hall, and campus building in the city.

  • On the 4th week of the month, we will host incredible dinner parties at homes and different venues across the city. Jesus regularly practiced table hospitality as His primary way to connect with those who were otherwise excluded from or generally disinterested in the spiritual community of His day.

    Our goal with our Open Table nights is to do the same. These nights are an open invite for anyone to come, have a meal on us, make friends, get to know people, go deep in conversation, and experience a community of compelling missional discipleship.